This morning we had a late brunch with Julie before heading off to the Fitzwilliam Art museum. The museum houses works from antiquity right up to modern abstract art. We were able to get up close to works by Monet, Cezanne, Picasso and Rembrandt amongst many others. Also, and what I found most impressive, there were carvings and...
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Met up with Julie for a leisurely brunch in a little cafe on the river Cam. We then spent the afternoon wandering the charming streets and alleyways of Cambridge shopping like people possesed (we’re returning home with no less than 5 new pairs of shoes between us!) This evening we went to Great St Mary’s Church to...
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Today we visited the nearby Duxford airbase. Now the site of the Imperial War Museum for aviation. Duxford has a long history of military aviation right from WWI through to the 1960s. Most famous of course for its “Big Wing” during the Battle of Britain. It’s from here that the famous Douglas Bader flew with his...
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Well we’re back again in the outrageously cosy city of Cambridge, visiting Julie in her ‘new’ digs. Cambridge is a lovely as ever and even the weather has perked up so that it’s hot and sunny. After arriving today we visited Wood Wind and Reed where I deposited my beloved Tenor Sax for repair and service...
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