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Well we’re on our way home now after an excellent conference in L.A & a final weekend in Las Vegas. We’ve certainly packed a lot in… we’ve been to two shows “Keith Barry” (an illusionist) & “Ka” ( a Cirque du Soleil spectacular) We also managed a wee bit of gambling …...
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The last session of the conference I went to was on deploying & running WFs in the Cloud (aka Azure). Azure is able to host a number of different services : .NET Services; Live Services (part of MS Live data eg credentials contacts etc etc) & SQL Services. WFs are hosted directly inside a runtime provided by the .NET...
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This year rather than give out the usual rucksack or laptop bags to all delegates MS have opted for …. you guessed it …. the “Manbag” So (Kieren) if you want to be one of 4000 developers sporting a shiny new “Manbag” then L.A. is clearly the place to be! Below we can see Faheem modelling the...
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The good news is that in the next version of the framework WF & WCF will be even more closely linked than in 3.5. In addition a lot of the plumbing & infrastructure code that I had to write for Rio should (in theory ;-D ) be provided for us in a new toolset codenamed “Dublin”. This is a set of tools to extend...
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Oct 29, 08
Today we hope to cover :- WCF4.O: building wcb services with wf in microsoft .net 4.0 iis 7.0 and beyond: the microsoft web platform roadmap improving code quality and code anaysis Cloud services best practices ASP.net dynamic data WF 4.0 extending with custom activities
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Day 2 of the PDC & MS give a detailed demo of Windows 7. Win7 is likely to be released in beta early next year. Like all of MS’s new platforms & products they’re being positioned to be part of the new “Cloud” technology with direct interfaces to Windows Live, the Live Framework (new .NET interface...
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1st day of PDC & MS announce the release of their new Windows Azure platform (part of what they are terming their new Cloud technology). It’s pretty cool and if it does what they say it’ll do then it will allow developers to pretty much scale their apps out across the globe as required. The concept is that Azure is...
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Faheem experienced a few “issues” & was pulled aside & questioned by 3 US immigration officers ….
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