Mamma mia she’s a gonna fall …

Where else could we be with a blog title like that but … the leaning tower of pizza Pisa (sorry feeling a bit hungry as I write this)

Our last stop on our Italian holiday. We have of course vistited the famous leaning tower and even if it didn’t have that 4 degree lean it would still be an impressive piece of architecture.

We also took the oppourtunity to visit the statue and grave of one of Pisa’s famous sons (although still a little unknown to most people), that of the great mathematician Leonardo Pisano, or Fibonnacci as he’s more commonly known.

He was responsible for the introduction of the indo-arabic number system into Europe in 1202 through his seminal book ‘Liber Abaci’ … which is pretty amazing when you think about it.

I’ve recenly finished reading his life story in Keith Devlin’s excellent book “The Man of Numbers” so it was fantastic to visit his grave and walk the streets he would have walked in his lifetime 😀